Friday, 2 March 2012

The Pros and Cons of Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse

This might seem like a no brainer (excuse the pun). Of course it's better to survive the zombie apocalypse. Choose Life. However on closer inspection, a number of arguments can arise which casts shades of grey upon this apparently monochrome issue.

I will present a list of positives and negatives of life after the zombie apocalypse, which will hopefully serve as a useful guide for consideration, should the need ever arise.

Pro: You get to play with guns

Con: EVERYBODY gets to play with guns

Pro: The requirement to shower or look after yourself will be obsolete

Con: You will live in a world of ugly, smelly people 

Pro: This is a chance to build a new Society

Con: The society will probably dissolve into a rabble of people who serve a tyrannical overlord in the fashion of Jabba the Hut 

Pro: You can loot until your hearts content

Con: You may end up exchanging sexual favours for food. 

Pro: Everybody who told you that preparing for zombie invasion was a waste of time is proved wrong.

Con: These people are probably your close family and friends who have since died horrible horrible deaths. 

Pro: You're alive 

Con: You will live in a world exclusively populated by people who have zombie invasion plans. 

I hope you find this list useful when deciding whether to fight like the devil or lie down and put a paper bag over your head when the crucial moment arrives.


  1. I think I know they guy in the middle with the beard...

  2. It's like I jumped into your mind to retrieve stuff.......Also I added the pun just for you :D
